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闪谷 第二季  

别名: 闪谷 第二季


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  • 2023 1.0
  • 2016 10.0


    1990年阿诺·施瓦辛格主演的《幼儿园特警》令观众见识到这位动作演员的搞笑与柔情;25年后《幼儿园特警2》开拍,不过主演、导演均已换人做。出演了《敢死队》系列的瑞典动作演员杜夫·龙格尔接过施瓦辛格的衣钵,继续扮演在幼儿园办案的警员,影片导演则由唐·迈克尔·保罗(《九死一生》)担任。   影片剧本由《美国派2》编剧David H. Steinberg操刀,就目前透露的故事梗概来看,影片主线与前作十分相似。片中杜夫·龙格尔扮演的警探与他的印度裔搭档正在追踪一个存有联邦证人保护计划相关文件的闪存盘,所有的线索都指出这份闪存盘可能出现在幼儿园中。龙格尔为了追回光盘去到幼儿园当起了老师,顺便跟幼儿园老师谈谈情,再顺手抓住坏蛋。   影片目前已经在温哥华开拍,相关片场照也已曝光。据悉影片将于明年发行,但《幼儿园特警2》很有可能不会公映,而直接通过家庭视频点播发行。

  • 2004 9.0


    Tony Soprano,貌似只是普通的中年商人一个,身边围绕着顺从的妻子,叛逆的儿子,学业出众的女儿,正在渐渐失去威严的叔叔,容易头脑发热的侄子,还有个众人皆知的情妇和一个听他倾诉的心理医生——黑帮老大的心理医生,和《老大靠边闪》有得一拼!

  • 1966 3.0



  • 1991 8.0


    This 1992 Japanese film tells the story of a scientist who sets out to create the new super Adam and Eve, humans who cannot be controlled by their emotions. Of course, the end result it not exactly what the good doctor expects.  comments from imdb  This modern tale of an attempt to build a creature is one of the best horror films ever made, even if its not a horror film but something else entirely. Certainly its on my short list of all time great films.  This film was introduced to me by someone who told me I have this film that probably one of the best films you'll ever see. It will move you and touch you and make you think, but if I told you what it is and told you how its done you will think its the stupidest thing on the face of it and you won't watch it. Intrigued I asked what did he mean, and he said, Well its a Frankenstein story, with a very goofy sort of edge, but which uses it to its advantage. My ears perked up, and I being a trusting soul took the tape and watched it. I was blown away.  The plot concerns a mad scientist attempting to make a new Adam and Eve in the wake of a suicidal plague that is ravaging the world. Locked up in his lab his experiments go differently then either he or we expect. Some of it is silly (The bolts in the neck, the wrestling moves...), all of it is touching and thought provoking.  I can not recommend this movie enough. If you are willing to take the film on its terms and allow it to tell its story then I urge you to seek this film out and see it. This is an undiscovered gem that will stay with you forever.  15 out of 10 and then some. 1010  Also known as The Last Frankenstein, this is an extraordinary, impeccably produced horror film. Director Takeshi Kawamura uses Mary Shelley's novel as a mere launching pad for an exploration of subjects as diverse and fascinating as the nature of love, desire, suicide, mass hypnosis, sex, alienation and jealousy.  And though the film is dense with subtext, it is also stunningly photographed and rich in atmosphere and detail. The performances are all amazing and Kawamura's sensitive handling of the strange, delicate relationships between the characters results in an emotionally charged, angst-ridden tragedy.  The scenes of the confused, troubled monster hurtling through a fog-shrouded forest at night are memorable and striking, as is a brilliant home movie-style montage of the film's more curious characters enjoying a precious afternoon at the beach. Kawamura creates resonating visual poetry of horror and sadness barely sighted since Todd Browning's classic Freaks.  Intelligent, emotional, tragic and real, this is an absolute gem. 910

  • 2012 6.0



  • 2023 6.0
  • 2023 9.0
  • 2016 2.0



  • 2018 2.0



  • 2022 7.0


    2022头等大事是什么???   干饭脱单赚钱考研,暂且缓一缓!!   2022先来bao一bao啦~   乐爆嗨爆美爆热爆 爆爆诸事妙。   微笑大笑欢笑狂笑 笑笑好运到。   21爆一爆,爱要抱一抱。   惊喜闹元宵,喜乐笑到爆。   2022湖南卫视元宵喜乐会,正月十五晚,元元陪你一起Bao!

  • 2019 9.0



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